Temirlik Canyon stretches for 11 kilometers and is located just 10 kilometers from the Charyn Canyon. It is composed of hard rocks, the width of the canyon reaches 200 meters, the depth is about 50 meters.

The middle part of the Temirlik River is represented by a gorge with a width of up to 1.5 kilometers and a depth of up to 160 meters. The water of the Temirlik River flows smoothly under the canopy of numerous trees and red barberry bushes along picturesque green meadows. Further on, the river, in the shade of trees, quickly carries water through a small rocky canyon and again emerges into the expanses of a wide canyon. Further into the canyon, water over millions of years has carved a deep and narrow canyon into the sedimentary rocks.

The huge advantage of this part of the canyon over other objects of the Charyn River is the presence of dense green thicket and turanga thickets, creating a comfortable microclimate at the bottom of the canyon.

The river valley itself is characterized by the presence of lush thickets of ash, poplar, oleaster, willow, chingil, barberry and tamarisk, as well as a large number of fauna. During your walk you can meet fox, hare, corsac fox, mountain goat, weasel, marten, ermine and a real sea of jerboas. Among the birds that live here are eagle owls, golden eagles, bearded vultures, vultures and snake eaters.